6 easy ways to lose weight for students in Springtime (or anyone for that matter!)

6 Reasons Spring Is the Best Time of Year to Lose Weight for Students

Most of the factors that result in weight gain are physiological, or have to do with lifestyle habits. Any help you can get in changing these factors to work for you, resulting in a healthier weight and body mass, is worth giving a shot. One factor to consider – and now is an opportune time – is the season in which you decide to start the process of weight loss. With the rise in spirits that comes with the spring weather, sunshine, and awakening of wildlife, and with the anticipation of a sunny, warm summer on the way, springtime can become a powerful partner in re-forging your health and weight.

Sheffield Students – Let’s Lose Weight With These Tips!

Not all of it is good news, of course. There will be ice cream everywhere. Barbeques will send their enticing aromas throughout the neighbourhood, calling to your stomach and your taste buds to overindulge in their bounty. BUT… there are still a host of factors that can help lift you from the cycle of guilt and failure into one of steady, satisfying progress. Let’s take a look at six of them. The weather in Sheffield is looking warmer, so let’s get into the weight loss tips.

You’re less hungry as temps heat up

When weather gets cold, our bodies act like they would in the wild, like every other mammal wandering around in the forest – they stock up on calories. On average, we consume an extra 86 calories a day in the autumn compared with the spring (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition). That happens unconsciously, but what it means for you is that your conscious attempts to lower caloric intake are easier in the spring than they would be in the autumn. It is also probable (though studies have not been done) that this trend continues through the warmer summer months as well.

You’ve not got revision to worry about right now

While university exam revision is right around the corner, at the moment you are free to structure your days as you wish. And the extra relief from stress and schedule control means you can often eat in your student house as opposed to grabbing snacks on the go, which usually means you’ll make better food choices.

You burn more calories in warmer weather

Sweating doesn’t remove calories from your body, but the activity that makes you sweat does. Summer is a cornucopia of excellent activities, as many of us take up outdoor sports, activities, or simply take advantage of the sunshine and blooming flowers to walk in the park, take a stroll or a run along a riverside, or even try a walking holiday instead of the usual lounging on a beach or taking in massive calories on a cruise.

Your mood is brighter

We’ve all heard of phenomena like ‘winter blues’ or ‘rainy-day blues.’  For many people, the relative darkness and gloom of winter can have a depressing effect, making it extra-difficult to get out there and exercise. The clinical term for this is ‘seasonal affective disorder’ (SAD), and can make you less active, and even make you crave extra carbohydrates, which convert to fat when not burned off by exercise. Once the sun comes out though, and the clouds and rain are driven away, replaced by warm breezes and clear blue skies – well that’s a different story. Cravings are less intense, and it’s easier to get out there for a walk when the sun is shining and the birds singing.

The ‘sunshine vitamin’ might help

There appears to be a connection between Vitamin D, the ‘sunshine vitamin,’ and insulin resistance and obesity. People who are obese tend to have lower levels of vitamin D. The exact relationship has not been determined, but it is interesting enough that scientists are looking into it. Some initial studies seem to show that – for some people – adding vitamin D to their systems assists in weight loss. More research is needed, but since sunshine (in healthy doses) and activity are known to be good for us anyway, there is no risk in trying it.

And just to be clear, your body produces its own vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Not just sunbathing, but even taking a walk in the park in a tee-shirt or shorts is enough. Ask your doctor about sunscreen and how to take in safe doses of healthy sunshine.